Fear of the coronavirus has caused surprising phenomena to appear in recent days, such as the fury over toilet paper. What has led people to buy it in large quantities until it is practically exhausted?
In recent days we have been surprised by the images of people crowded in supermarkets and of shelves of empty products such as toilet paper.
What leads us to ignore the guarantees that the authorities give us that there are no supply problems? And why do some specific products surprisingly disappear from supermarket shelves?
According to the psychologist Sònia Cervantes, this phenomenon "obeys a process that psychology has described as self-fulfilling prophecy."
The self-fulfilling prophecy or Pygmalion effect explains that the expectations we place on something make it end up happening. “When you verbalize fear of something or when fear of something becomes effective, you act in such a way that you end up provoking it,” explains Sònia.
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In this case, if we see in the news that many people are buying toilet paper and we verbalize with our environment that it may end, this makes us go shopping just in case.
"And just in case it ends up becoming a reality: in the end it ends," explains Sònia. In other words, the fear of running out of toilet paper ends up emptying the supermarket shelves of this product.
Sònia Cervantes tells us that, in addition, in this case there has been a cognitive dissonance, that is, a conflict between beliefs or assumptions and the information we receive.
People try to always maintain a certain balance and internal consistency. We need our attitudes and behaviors to be consistent with each other.
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In the current situation, we have found that on the one hand messages of calm were launched, but on the other hand the population was confined. “Then a short circuit occurs inside the person that makes them suspicious. This favors fake news, conspiranoias, and the famous hashtag Trending Topic of #vamosamorirtodos, and widespread panic, ”says Sònia. This cognitive dissonance is the spark that ignites panic and collective paranoia.
Collective emotions are contagious and you do not have to panic
It is important to stay calm and not panic. "There comes a time when the mass acts as an entity," says Sònia. Collective emotions are transmitted to individuals who, on the other hand, can be absolutely rational in other types of situations. "What is really spreading, but exponentially, is the emotion of the other. It is that phrase that Shakespeare said: what I am afraid of is your fear ”, indicates Sònia.
To avoid panic, says Sònia, three essential elements are needed:
Empathy: even if one is not from a risk group, you have to think about the other.
Responsibility: adapt to the situation, change habits.
Common sense.
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Also, it is important to accept emotions. Having a little fear is normal and even necessary because it puts us on alert and helps us comply with the recommendations. But there is a big difference between fear and panic. Fear can be protective, panic, on the other hand, is a disaster. Fear must be recognized as a temporary emotion.
Social networks and the internet also play an important role in phenomena like this.
Probably thirty years ago, before the rise of technology, phenomena such as toilet paper and crowds in supermarkets would not have happened. "A lot of information and a lot of fake news goes viral and that also contributes to the outbreak of certain behaviors," says Sònia.
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In addition, we have an excess of information, almost always negative. "We should disconnect from radios and televisions at least a few hours," advises Sònia. Although the information given is helpful in raising awareness of the seriousness of the situation and getting people to take action, it also ends up causing panic if it is repeated all day. "The more information I am afraid of, the more fear I have the more information I need," says Sònia.
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