Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells (cancer cells) divide uncontrollably, invading surrounding tissues and spreading to other parts of the body, through the blood and lymphatic system, leading to the process known as metastasis. So, ovarian cancer is an uncontrolled growth of the cells of the ovary, so that the cells become abnormal.
Ovarian cancer is one of the most frequent malignancies in women. In the world it ranks fifth and third in Mexico. Most women with ovarian cancer lack associated risk factors. In Mexico, 4,500 cases of this type of cancer are registered annually and it is estimated that women who suffer from it have a life expectancy of one to five years, when it is detected in advanced stages.
Which are the risk factors?
There are different factors that increase the risk of ovarian cancer, among them the following are mentioned:
Age over 40 years.
Close family members with a history of breast, ovarian, or colon cancer.
First menstruation before the age of 11 and the last after the age of 50.
If the woman never had children.
Fertility treatment for more than one occasion.
Hormone replacement treatment for 3 years or more.
In case of one or more positive points of the previously described, be careful, see your gynecologist for timely detection using a transvaginal ultrasound and a blood test.
What warning signs to look for?
Historically, ovarian cancer has been called the silent killer and this disease is not suspected until the probability of cure is poor. Since the symptoms of ovarian cancer are not specific, there are "red spots" that should make us suspect this disease. These symptoms include:
Bloating or abdominal or lower belly pain.
Discomfort when urinating, increased frequency and urgency.
Constipation and colitis.
Abnormal vaginal bleeding
Symptoms are often misdiagnosed as they can be mistaken for symptoms of other less serious illnesses, especially gastrointestinal complaints.
How can cancer be prevented?
Cancer is a disease whose possibility of prevention is very great. Two-thirds of cancer deaths are related to tobacco use, unbalanced diets, obesity, and lack of exercise. All these factors must be modified. Some studies indicate that women can reduce the risk of developing ovarian cancer by breastfeeding and having a hysterectomy or tubal ligation, as well as by avoiding fertility drugs.
How to carry out an early detection?
-Women who have any of the symptoms described for more than a couple of weeks, should see a doctor.
-Timely medical evaluation can lead to detection in early stages of the disease. Early-stage diagnosis is associated with a better response to treatment.
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