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Can CBD oil be useful against viruses like Covid19?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the main cannabinoids present in cannabis or hemp (Cannabis sativa) and lacks psychotropic effects and addictive potential. Although some information has been viralized that ensures that this cannabiodie could be useful against the coronavirus, the truth is that there is no solid research in progress on the effect of CBD on the Covid-19 coronavirus. Where does this rumor come from then? CBD AND COVID-19: AN UNTESTED RELATIONSHIP There is currently a CBD-based medication, Epidiolex, to treat seizures associated with two rare types of epilepsy. There are no other officially approved therapeutic indications. Apart from this pharmacological use, CBD is in Europe in a very confusing legal situation. In many countries, including Spain, you cannot sell CBD products for domestic consumption; They can only be for external or cosmetic use. However, in other countries of the Union CBD is approved as a food supplement. RELATED ITEM Hemp 10 medici

Could vitamin C reduce deaths from the coronavirus?

Septicemia is the leading cause of death related to influenza and coronavirus pneumonia. Vitamin C could reduce this mortality. Sepsis or septicemia is the generalized infection of the organism and is responsible for one of every five deaths worldwide each year and one of the main causes of death due to influenza or coranaviruses such as Wuhan (Covid-19). PROTOCOL AGAINST SEPTICEMIA A protocol developed by Dr. Paul Marik, an intensive care physician at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital (East Virginia, United States), has proven that it can reduce septicemia mortality from 40% to 8.5%. This protocol consists of administering the following preparations for two days: 200 mg of thiamine every 12 hours. 1,500 mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) intravenously every six hours. 50 mg of hydrocortisone every six hours. According to Marik, the best results are obtained when the mixture is administered within the first six hours from the onset of symptoms of sepsis. The longer yo

Coronavirus crisis: Why is there no toilet paper in the supermarket?

Fear of the coronavirus has caused surprising phenomena to appear in recent days, such as the fury over toilet paper. What has led people to buy it in large quantities until it is practically exhausted? In recent days we have been surprised by the images of people crowded in supermarkets and of shelves of empty products such as toilet paper. What leads us to ignore the guarantees that the authorities give us that there are no supply problems? And why do some specific products surprisingly disappear from supermarket shelves? SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY According to the psychologist Sònia Cervantes, this phenomenon "obeys a process that psychology has described as self-fulfilling prophecy." The self-fulfilling prophecy or Pygmalion effect explains that the expectations we place on something make it end up happening. “When you verbalize fear of something or when fear of something becomes effective, you act in such a way that you end up provoking it,” expla

Lung cancer is the most frequent type of cancer in the world, with 30,000 new cases each year in Spain alone.

WHAT DOES IT CONSIST OF? The malignant tumor can spread by deeply invading the walls of the lungs. Given the proximity of these, it can affect other organs such as the heart or the esophagus, the vertebrae. In addition, by being next to the large blood vessels, cancer can spread to the liver, brain, bones, or adrenal glands. What are the symptoms? The symptoms of lung cancer are common to other respiratory diseases, so the diagnosis is usually made in advanced stages, when the patient comes to the clinic for another reason. These include coughing up mucus or dyspnea (feeling short of breath). Generally, when the expectoration is bloody is when the patient comes to consultation. Chest pain may appear if the tumor is in the peripheral area of ​​the lungs, chest wall, or pleura. Occasionally, other symptoms appear, such as voice changes (dysphonia) or the feeling that food is trapped in the chest (dysphagia). When the tumor is affecting the nerve structures in th

10 false facts about the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19

The coronavirus has also brought an epidemic of misinformation and exaggeration. This virus, the covid-19, is spread more easily than others, it is true, but the images of people with masks and the constant numbers of patients out of context facilitate the spread of errors and false rumors. Despite the fact that the health authorities do not tire of repeating that we are exaggerating attention, the coronavirus epidemic has raised all the alarms. "There is talk of rumors, anecdotes, some specific information and what is achieved is a detriment when the most important thing is that we remain calm," explains Dr. Antoni Trilla, head of the epidemiology service at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Now that some cases are beginning to be detected in Spain, we are going to analyze what real risk there is of getting it, because a lot of information has run without contrasting. 1. IT IS THE MOST CONTAGIOUS VIRUS It is not the most contagious disease. Chicken

Tips for vegetarian patients

In the previous post we discussed the advantages of a vegetarian diet, but there are also drawbacks and precautions for this type of diet. Firstly, comment that vegetarian diets are diverse (more or less strict, and may or may not include dairy products and / or eggs), and the advice varies according to the person who follows it, adolescents and pregnant women are groups that pay special attention. People who follow vegetarian diets can get all the nutrients they need, although considerations about possible deficiencies of macronutrients (particularly proteins) and micronutrients (iron, calcium, zinc, folate, vit B12) must be taken into account, as can the possible existence of underlying eating disorders. A vegetarian diet can be a healthy option, the key is to eat a variety of foods and the correct amount. MedlinePlus has a page specifically dedicated to the vegetarian diet that is highly recommended for both patients and healthcare professionals. If what we want is to give a b

Increase of medicines - consumer of pharmacies prioritizes price

increase-of-drugs-consumer-of-pharmacies-prioritizes-price The 4th Survey of the Purchase Profile of Pharmacy Customers points out that one of the decisive factors for choosing a pharmacy is the price of medicines The increase in the price of medicines will happen from the next April 1 and should directly impact the consumer. A survey carried out by the Febrafar Institute for Corporate Research and Education (IFEPEC) with the Unicamp Institute of Economics pointed out that the majority of pharmacy consumers claim to prioritize prices when buying a medicine. However, there is a small number that carry out research in other pharmacies. The data are from the 4th Survey of the Purchase Profile of Pharmacy Customers, which points to price as one of the decisive factors for choosing a pharmacy, 64.4% of respondents pointed out this point. Another factor that stands out in this decision is the location (24.5%). “Through this questioning, we observed that the impact of the